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Ebenezer Operation Exodus Singapore

In 1978 renowned American evangelist Billy Graham made a prophetic declaration over Singapore: that she would become the "Antioch of Asia". For the early church, Antioch represented a strategic position along major trade routes. Antioch was the home of a vibrant congregation of believers who ministered into the needs of others, and it was from this city that Barnabas and Saul were set apart and commissioned into the work for which the Holy Spirit had called them (Acts 13).


Now God has positioned Singapore in a new way: positioned to support and pray for the Jewish people and their return to the Land of Israel from the four corners of the earth.


It is with a sense of joyful anticipation of what the GOD of Israel is raising up in Asia Pacific that we see our Singaporean team carry the vision forward in this strategically placed nation, with prayerful support of the vision being strengthened around them. The LORD is fulfilling His word. He is calling and equipping the saints in Singapore to pray for the aliyah.


A voice is calling, Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God."


Isaiah 40:3

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© 2025 by Ebenezer Operation Exodus Asia Pacific

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