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Olim leaving
Olim arriving
Celebrating Arrival in Israel
Kotel Jerusalem

After prayer, our main role is to help as many Jewish people as possible to immigrate to Israel or ‘make Aliyah’ as it is known in Hebrew.

We also provide humanitarian aid where needed, and finance and practical help in the Aliyah process. In Israel we provide help to those Olim who may encounter difficulties settling in The Land.

In the nations where there are Jewish communities, we make contact and explain about the opportunity to make aliyah, providing  humanitarian aid, medicine and assistance as needed. We do this by building teams of local workers, setting up offices in the nations, giving support and  practical assistance where needed, financial help to people preparing documents and attending consular appointments. 

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We also provide transport to airports for those that need it. An important part of the work is prayer cover for the many aspects of the ministry and especially where specific problems arise. Often we link up with the Jewish Agency, an Israeli body set up to promote aliyah, and help them in our common goal of encouraging immigration to Israel.

© 2025 by Ebenezer Operation Exodus Asia Pacific

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